Hey folks! Did you know we have a blog? Welp, I’m here to remind you, and we’ll be trying to post here more often.
So, you obviously know what SpSF is, and why we exist. We also have memberships available. But why buy a membership? Why not just enjoy SpSF’s non membership benefits? Well, we’ve got a pretty good reason: community.
The science fiction community is the leviathan of genres. It’s old, it’s big, and it must be respected. Speculative science fiction isn’t as old, but it’s still big, bigger than some think. the problem is, just like a leviathan, without support and sustenance, it can die out. Our goal is to make sure that never happens, and we can’t do it without the SpSF community– you.
The best way you can help support us is by buying memberships. Sure, it may sound like a money grab, but your membership fee goes toward all sorts of things. Bringing new, diverse guests and VIPs to the convention, helping fund an aspiring writer through a scholarship, engaging with the community via other conventions and working toward full inclusion are just a few examples of how we invest our funds. Every goal helps us build the community and make it grow.
We love having you as part of SpSF. We love seeing your faces at conventions or even as comments on our social media. So let’s share that love! Spread the word, buy a membership, like a post (including this one), or all of the above. Let’s do this together.
Hotel room convention rates
The hotel room block is filling up fast! We’re returning to the beautiful Santa Clara Marriott, close to Levi’s stadium and Great America, right in the heart of Silicon Valley. Go to baycon.org/hotel to book now!
Be a superhero! (or anyone you want)! Volunteer!
Join our Baycon team! We need volunteers in all areas. email hr AT baycon DOT org to learn more!
Let’s get social!
Call for Dealers and Artists!
BayCon Bids for 2025 and 2026
Have you ever considered putting on a BayCon yourself? Building the theme, the team, and your vision for an amazing event for fans of speculative fiction?
You’ll be able to do just that soon! On April 15, 2024, the Society for Promotion of Speculative Fiction is opening the full process for anyone who wants to bid to run BayCon 2025 or BayCon 2026. We’ll have a summary of the process, a detailed application, and information on how to get started. Stay tuned to our social media channels, and if you haven’t done so already, sign up for our newsletter to get new when the process opens (and other news about BayCon 2024).
We’re looking forward to some awesome ideas from our next prospective BayCon Chair!