Cosplay Policy

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Last modified May 2024.

Cosplay is a creative and enjoyable aspect of the convention experience. BayCon welcomes all attendees to express their fandom through cosplay while maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment. The following policy outlines guidelines and expectations for cosplay:


    1. Respect and Consent: Treat all cosplayers with respect, recognizing their autonomy and personal boundaries. Cosplay is not consent for unwanted physical contact, photography, or comments.
    2. Appropriate Attire: Cosplayers are welcome to express their creativity and embody their favorite characters through their costumes. While we encourage freedom of expression, it is important to maintain a respectful and inclusive environment. Costumes should not push the boundaries of public indecency or violate any local laws or regulations. Some costumes may be risqué due to their chosen character or design, but they should not cross the line into public indecency.
             Should any Staff decision be disputed, Cosplayers have the right to request an escalation or appeal of said decision regarding the appropriateness of their attire. Requests for escalation should be made in accordance with our Appeals Policy. We will make every effort to respond to the appeal within 24 hours with a decision.
    3. Public Behavior: Engage in responsible and respectful behavior while in cosplay. Do not engage in disruptive or offensive actions that may compromise the safety or enjoyment of others. Be mindful of your surroundings, adhere to the venue’s policies, and follow the instructions of convention staff and security.
    4. Weapons and Props: Weapons and props must comply with the convention’s weapon policy. Ensure that all props are safe, non-functional, and cannot be mistaken for real weapons. Use caution when posing with or displaying props to avoid accidental harm or causing panic. Please see our Cosplay Weapons Policy for more detail.
    5. Photography: In accordance with our Photography & Recording Policy, you must obtain explicit consent before photographing or recording cosplayers. Respect their wishes if they decline or ask not to be photographed. When sharing cosplay photos online, be mindful of the cosplayer’s preferences and credit them appropriately.
    6. Reporting Concerns: If you witness or experience any issues related to cosplay, such as harassment or inappropriate behavior, report it immediately to a designated BayCon staff member, volunteer, or security personnel. In accordance with our Reporting & Response Policy, your concerns will be addressed promptly and confidentially.
    7. Code of Conduct: Cosplayers are expected to adhere to the overall code of conduct of BayCon. Any violations may result in consequences, including but not limited to warnings, expulsion from the convention without refund, and prohibition from attending future BayCon events.