Accessibility Policy
Last modified May 2024.
BayCon is committed to creating an inclusive and accessible environment for all attendees. We strive to provide equal access and opportunities to ensure a positive convention experience. The following policy outlines our efforts to accommodate various accessibility needs:
- Venue Accessibility: BayCon selects venues that meet accessibility standards and comply with applicable laws and regulations. We work closely with venue management to ensure accessible entrances, parking, restrooms, and common areas.
- Mobility Access: Our venue shall provide accessible pathways, ramps, and elevators throughout the convention space to facilitate mobility for individuals with disabilities. Please respect and utilize these designated accessibility features appropriately. We encourage able-bodied members to use the stairs at high traffic times to leave the elevators accessible to those for whom stairs are a barrier.
- Assistive Animals: In accordance with the ADA (42 USC 12101-12213), California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act (CCC 51), and California’s Disabled Persons Act (CAGC 12945), trained service animals are welcome at BayCon. Attendees with untrained assistive animals must comply with applicable laws and regulations governing said animals. Please ensure that all assistive animals are under control and properly harnessed or leashed at all times while in public.
- Sensory Sensitivities: BayCon recognizes that some attendees may have sensory sensitivities and require a quiet and calm environment. We provide a designated quiet space (“The Oasis”) where attendees can retreat and find respite from sensory stimuli. Please respect the purpose of this space and maintain a peaceful atmosphere within.
- Accessible Information: We strive to provide convention information in accessible formats, such as large print, electronic documents, or braille. If you require materials in an alternative format, please contact in advance, and we will make every effort to accommodate your request.
- Specific Accommodation Requests: Any specific requests for accommodations we may not have covered should be directed to We will happily work with you to provide an accessible and comfortable solution. For hotel accommodations (such as accessible rooms), please contact our Hotel Team immediately at
- Allergies and Sensitivities: Attendees with allergies, scent, or chemical sensitivities should note that the Marriott, our host hotel, uses scented products in their cleaning. Please contact our Hotel Team immediately to ensure your reservation accommodates you or your roommates at
- Fragrance-Free Environment: We request that all members be mindful that scented products are problematic for many attendees and refrain from unnecessary fragrances at BayCon.
- Smoking Policy: We remind smokers to please stay away from access points and the paths to those access points so that others may enter and exit the venue safely and comfortably. The hotel has designated smoking areas located outside the main entrance.
- Code of Conduct: All attendees are expected to adhere to the BayCon Code of Conduct, ensuring a respectful and inclusive environment for all participants. Harassment or discrimination based on disability or any other protected characteristic will not be tolerated.
BayCon is committed to continual efforts to make the convention a positive and accessible experience. Our goal is for all aspects of our convention to be accessible to all attendees.