
Home 9 Get Involved 9 Volunteering

Are you passionate about speculative fiction and eager to be part of a dynamic, fan-run event? Join the BayCon volunteer team! As a volunteer—often serving as a gofer—you’ll play a crucial role by running errands and assisting our staff in various locations, helping ensure every aspect of the convention runs smoothly. This behind-the-scenes opportunity not only lets you contribute to an unforgettable event but also offers a unique chance to network with fellow fans and industry professionals. Many of our gofers eventually transition into full staff roles, making volunteering an excellent stepping stone to deeper involvement with BayCon. Step up, join the team, and help us bring the magic of speculative fiction to life!


If you feel that this time commitment will impact/hinder your attendance and enjoyment of the convention, we encourage you to consider becoming a “gofer.”

Anyone who is interested in helping out during the convention should contact our Gofers Department. Gofers:

  • Purchase a full membership at their convenience
  • Sign up with our Volunteer/Gofer department to receive assignments and track hours
  • After volunteering 16 hours over the course of the convention, become eligible for a rollover to the next year

Sign-ups for Gofers is coming soon! You can check back here, or sign-up at-con!