Health Policy

Home 9 About 9 Policies 9 Health Policy

Last modified May 2024.

As part of our commitment to the health and safety of all attendees, BayCon has implemented the following health policy:

  1. Masking: All attendees, staff, and volunteers are encouraged to wear masks that cover the nose and mouth while inside convention areas, regardless of vaccination status. Masks worn should be of sufficient quality to protect the wearer from airborne illnesses as specified by the CDC, the California Department of Public Health, or the Santa Clara County Health Office.
  2. Vaccination: All attendees, staff, and volunteers are strongly encouraged to obtain full vaccination prior to attending the convention.
  3. Physical Distancing: Participants are encouraged to maintain a safe physical distance of at least 6 feet from individuals not in their immediate group whenever possible.
  4. Hand Hygiene: Regular handwashing or use of hand sanitizers, available at designated stations throughout the convention area, is strongly encouraged.
  5. Health Monitoring: Attendees are expected to monitor their health prior to the convention and stay home if experiencing any symptoms of illness, including fever, cough, sore throat, or shortness of breath.
  6. Compliance with Health Guidelines: All attendees, staff, and volunteers must comply with any additional health guidelines or requirements communicated by BayCon or the Santa Clara Marriott.
  7. Health and Safety Team: A health and safety team will be available throughout the convention to address any health-related concerns, provide guidance, and assist as needed.
  8. Changes and Revisions: Public Health policies remain under the purview of the local, state, and federal governments and are subject to change based on evolving guidelines and requirements from said authorities. Should any changes to public health policy that impact BayCon be announced, this health policy will be revised to reflect the requirements of said policies.
  9. Notification of Revisions: Notification of all revisions shall be announced via social media and our website.

We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all participants at BayCon.