(Please read an important update to our Health Policy here.)
BayCon recognizes the ongoing risk associated with the Covid-19 pandemic even as the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and Santa Clara County Health continue to shift requirements and guidance as new developments occur.
To ensure that we reduce the risk to all our guests and to provide the greatest opportunity for everyone to attend BayCon 2023 safely, the following policy will be enforced:
- BayCon 2023 has been classified by CDPH as a “Mega-Event.” BayCon 2023 will abide by all applicable guidance provided for that definition.
- Prior to event space entry, for those five years or older, proof of your COVID vaccination status is required, whether it be the physical card issued by the CDC, or the digital passport(s) available. Self-attestation will not be accepted. Digital vaccine information will be verified via State Health Department websites and/or Federally-approved websites. A photo identification will be required to assist in verification; you must have photo ID on-hand for registration pickup purposes regardless. Minimum vaccination should be the single adenoviral (J&J) shot or the mRNA (Moderna, etc) shots recent enough to be considered effective by CDC guidelines. We strongly recommend those who may have been recently exposed to infection, or experiencing symptoms NOT ATTEND BayCon this year.
- Masks must be worn in all convention event areas for attendees aged two years or older. Masks may be removed when eating, but eating will not be allowed in event areas to minimize any chance of exposure. Masks must follow CDPH guidelines (https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/COVID-19/Get-the-Most-out-of-Masking.aspx). Those without masks will be provided one by BayCon staff. Attendees in violation of the masking policy will be asked first to replace their masks by staff. Repeated violations may result in removal, membership revoked, and/or trespassed from the premises.
- For those coming to BayCon from other countries: we will accept proof that you have received any vaccine recognized by the WHO. For specific information on WHO’s recognition of vaccines, see their website (https://extranet.who.int/pqweb/vaccines/covid-19-vaccines).
- BayCon is not currently requiring updated (bivalent) boosters as proof of vaccination, but they are strongly recommended. For current guidance on staying up to date with Covid-19 vaccinations, visit the CDC website (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/stay-up-to-date.html).
- Hand Sanitizer will be made available throughout the event spaces by the Hotel.
- Minimum Contact Policy: Please ensure that you’re observing social distancing at all times. Additionally, we strongly recommend fistbumps or elbowbumps in lieu of handshakes or hugs.
- Signage will be present to remind attendees of this policy.
The above policy is subject to change due to several factors, with or without notice. Please check back frequently to keep abreast of any changes published.
Last updated June 25, 2023.