To our staff, guests and members,
The Board of Artistic Solutions, Inc. is aware that there have been a lot of questions about what’s happening in light of COVID-19 and we thank you for bearing with us as we find answers to protect the convention and our community. Our hotel liaison has been in talks with the Marriott for the last few weeks and we have finally come to an agreement and are signing an amended contract.
BayCon 2020 has officially been rescheduled. We have made the decision to postpone so that we can proceed with a convention that we have looked forward to and worked hard on for months. We sincerely hope that you will be able to join us on our new dates. BayCon 2020: The Future Is Now will take place November 6-8, 2020 at the San Mateo Marriott. It will be shorter than we are accustomed to, but we intend to pack those three days with wonderful programming, events and opportunities for our community to come together and reconnect.
We are delighted to inform you that our entire roster of Guests of Honor will be joining us on our new dates. The STARFLEET International Conference will also go forward as planned.
Your BayCon 2020 membership remains in place for the new dates. If the new dates do not work for you, please let us know and we will find a solution that does. Your hotel reservations are being transferred to the new dates and can be adjusted as necessary.
We thank you all for your support and patience. We look forward to seeing you in November. As always, please feel free to reach out to us if you have questions.You can contact us through email sent to the appropriate division, through our website, or by messaging us on our Facebook page. Division heads and board members will be happy to assist you as we work out details.
Q: Do I change my hotel reservation or will the Marriott do this automatically?
A: The Marriott Hotel will migrate your reservation from May dates to November dates, over the same day-of-the-week period. Once your reservation is migrated, you should check your reservation to make sure it is the dates you want and the room type you want.
Q: What will happen to my current membership? Do I need to buy a new one?
A: All memberships, with the exception of the multipass, will remain in place for the new convention dates.
Q: Can I get a refund if I’m not able to make it in November?
A: If the new dates do not work for you, please let us know and we will find a solution that does. Email or send us a message on Facebook.
Q: I purchased a multipass membership to BayCon and KublaCon. How is this affected by the change in dates?
A: Thanks for asking! Unfortunately, as KublaCon 2020 has cancelled and our two conventions will no longer fall on the same date, we cannot honor multipass purchases and will no longer be offering the multipass for this year. If you purchased a multipass from us we will refund you the difference between the multipass price and the price of a full attending membership at the time of your purchase. For multipasses purchased from KublaCon, please contact KublaCon directly.
Q: I am a panelist and I have a programming question. Who do I contact?
A: Please reach out to BayCon programming.
Q: I am a vendor/artist. How will the new dates affect my acceptance or application status?
A: The heads of both departments will be sending out a communication directly in the coming days. If you have any urgent concerns, contact Dealers or Art Show directly.